Master of security morrowind
Master of security morrowind

master of security morrowind

  • Nerano Manor Key: Get the key to Nerano Manor.
  • Diamonds for Habasi: Obtain a diamond from the local alchemist.
  • Thieves Guild Quests Sugar-Lips Habasi's Quests, Balmora Guild See the quest page for The Code Book for further details. If you're not already in the Thieves Guild, then once you complete this quest, you will no longer be able to join. Being a member of the Thieves Guild makes the quest harder to complete. This conflict appears during The Code Book quest given by Eydis Fire-Eye in Balmora.

    master of security morrowind

    There is a conflict between the Fighters Guild and the Thieves Guild.

    master of security morrowind

    To join the Thieves Guild, talk to Big Helende at Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub outside of Wolverine Hall, Sugar-Lips Habasi at the South Wall Cornerclub in Balmora, or Aengoth the Jeweler at The Rat In the Pot in Ald'ruhn. Relations with other factions of Morrowind are generally poor, with neutral or slightly friendly relations with the Mages Guild and Imperial Cult. Look for guild operatives in Ald'ruhn, Balmora, Sadrith Mora, and Vivec. The Thieves Guild usually has the resources to bribe officials, establish a black market of stolen goods, and maintain a network of informants.For historical information, see the Lore article. Typically, members are bound not to rob each other, kill anyone while thieving, or rob the poor. They typically don't have public guild halls, but sometimes have safe-houses, and members tend to gather at a single location in large towns, such as at a cornerclub, inn, or tavern. Like any trade guild, the Thieves Guild is an organization of professionals, except that in this case the professionals are burglars, robbers, pickpockets, smugglers, and other enterprising operators. It is usually considered to be a distinctly Imperial entity, though of course other organizations of the Empire do not officially condone their actions. Although criminal by its very definition, for untold years, local authorities in places throughout Tamriel have tolerated the existence of the guild for its role as "crime regulator", as it does not tolerate competition or egregious conduct from its members (not to mention the personal financial benefits for authorities who play nice).

    master of security morrowind

    The Thieves Guild is dedicated to the gathering and training of those who are stealthy and shadowy in nature.

    Master of security morrowind