Nap, build a sandcastle or bake a cake whilst your PC potentially struggles with a 16gb download.Once downloaded, open up the application, click “Origin” on the top menu, select redeem product code and enter I-LOVE-THE-SIMS.Download the EA client Origin ( ), free of charge.So what do you have to do, to get the Sims 2 for free? Kill your neighbours, have woohoo with your neighbours, buy a pet, kill a pet: the possibilities are endless. The game may be a decade old but the entertainment value is still there. Moreover, it also introduces 3 “stuff” packs which have never been packaged together before.With the impending UK release of Sims 4 on 5th September, EA have charitably decided to give out Sims 2, including all of its expansion and collections packs, for free. The Sims 2 Super Collection MAC Game presented to you here will deliver you with all of the award-winning content that comes from the original version along with the addition of 6 expansion packs. You’ll love to try Monopoly for Mac Download Be merciless and exploit their fears, then watch the situation unfold as a mere spectator… Do thing however you want, there exist no end to possibilities in this game! But also, you can choose to entirely leave their thought out of and neglect what they may needs. Just imagine the best living condition for you and then give life to that imagination! It is your choice if you want to be good to your Sim by making It lead a life full of goodness and ultimately leading to the rewards of life.

With it you create a living zone of your style with a house, great and happy neighbourhood, other Sims, and even set up a family dynasty.

In The Sims 2 Super Collection MAC Game, you raise you Sim from a toddler to until he makes It to Its grave.